Android application for S7 airline
A native mobile application integrated with tickets distribution platform and additional travel products and services suppliers
Our project’s highlights
- Integration with third-party services
- Multi-language support
- Flexible booking process
- Responsive UI

The Client
During long-term cooperation with S7, a leading Russian airline, the client asked to develop a native Android application for booking and managing flights and ancillary travel services.
The Challenge
The solution is supposed to combine responsive, rich UI and all possible options for managing orders, payment processes, and integration with external suppliers of travel products (hotels, transfer search and booking, car rent). The app should also contain schedule information and an opportunity to trace baggage.
Solution Overview
To meet the client’s expectations, a Resliv’s team developed a native application integrated with IBE.
Search and book processes
- Searching filters by cities, dates, number of passengers and their age
- Ancillary booking provides the selection of class, seat, special meal, ‘traveling with a pet’ option, adding sports equipment to baggage
- Consumers can create a profile and roll into a priority system. Based on back end functionality, the priority services allow earning, buying, transferring, donating, and using your bonuses on different ancillary services
Personal profile management
- Creating an account, a customer enrolls in a priority program.
- Earns miles by flights, spends them on ancillary services, adds fellow travelers
- If needed, a traveler can turn in notifications about flight status to be sure not to miss the flight
- Integration of miles e-card with GooglePay
Flexible payment system
- Integration with payment APIs (PayPal, Kiwi, GooglePay, banking processing systems)
- Payment processes fully comply with the PCI DSS standard
- Option to postpone payment. Once a customer filled the info and a shopping cart, the system preserves the seat until s/he is ready to buy it
Online check-in
- The developed solution allows to check-in online and download a boarding pass with a QR-code into the app
- If not selected earlier, a customer can choose a seat, add baggage, and buy other ancillary services at this step
Third-party travel services
- Integration with hotel, transfer, and car rental services
Offline guide-book
- Resliv delivered a solution that smoothes travel experience. Visit a guide-book page to download tours with all landmarks of a town
Multi-language support
- The app supports Cyrillic and Latin alphabets
Resliv engineers delivered a user-friendly native application in compliance with all requests. The product increased customers’ loyalty rate as it provides a comprehensive experience of planning and managing trips. It has flexible booking and payment processes, thus adjusting to clients’ needs.
Scope of Services
Testing and QA
Languages: Kotlin, Java, C++
OS: AndroidTV, Wear OS, etc.
NoSQL: Objectbox, Realm
SQL: SQLite + ORMs (including Room)
Payments: In-App Payments, Google Pay
Multimedia: Glide, Camera API, ExoPlayer, etc.
Maps: Google Maps, Yandex Maps
Data Transferring: Bluetooth (including BLE), Virtual Com Driver (CdcAcmSerialDriver), Wi-Fi
Distribution: Android App Bundle, APK
Cloud Messaging: Firebase, Onesignal
Networking: Retrofit2, OkHttp3, kSoap2, SOAP/JSON, Charles
Socials: Facebook API, Google Auth, VK API, etc.
Firebase: Analytics, Remote Config, Dynamic Links, Realtime Database, etc.
Google Services: Ads SDK, Location, etc.
AndroidX and Android Jetpack: Data Binding, LiveData, Work Manager, Architecture components, etc.
Dependency Injection: Dagger2
Asynchronous: RXAndroid, Coroutines, Android Services, Android Tasks API
Sharing Data: Content Provider
Native: NDK (JNI)
APM: AppDynamic